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Estimate your claim's value

Injury Claim Calculator.

The purpose of this tool is to help you understand how your claim is evaluated and to assist you in understanding some of the considerations that go into valuing your claim. Since every injury is unique, these numbers only suggest a range and are not a replacement for legal advice. Complete whatever sections you feel comfortable with.

A victim of wrongdoing can recover their losses, called damages, by suing the person who harmed them. These damages are broken down into seven categories, called heads of damages. This calculator will explain these.

How much is my personal injury claim worth?

How much is my personal injury claim worth?

1. Damages for pain and suffering

General damages are awarded for pain, suffering, lost enjoyment of life, or loss of recreation. Since these damages don’t result in a direct financial loss, they can be more challenging to determine. The courts look to past cases or ‘precedents’ for guidance so that people with similar injuries receive similar compensation.
What type of injury have you suffered?
If you've suffered multiple injuries, choose the most severe.
What type of catastrophic injury?
Which limb have you lost?
What type of head injury?
What type of skin injury?
What sense?
What type of neck & back injury?
What type of upper body injury?
What type of lower body injury?

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from quadriplegia as a result of an accident is between $194,240 – $428,121 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from paraplegia as a result of an accident is between $189,294 – $434,517 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from severe brain damage as a result of an accident is between $326,068 – $424,901 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from the loss of an arm as a result of an accident is between $156,602 – $204,060 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from the loss of a leg as a result of an accident is between $213,427 – $304,504 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from brain and skull injuries as a result of an accident is between $23,948 – $339,111 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from jaw injuries as a result of an accident is between $38,252 – $189,049 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from injuries to your teeth as a result of an accident is between $1,483 – $82,452 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from eye injuries as a result of an accident is between $27,915 – $294,216 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from injuries to your nose as a result of an accident is between $2,839 – $118,570 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from scar and laceration injuries as a result of an accident is between $7,919 – $121,383 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from burn injuries as a result of an accident is between $11,356 – $286,336 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from vision impairment as a result of an accident is between $27,915 – $334,649 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from hearing impairment as a result of an accident is between $15,508– $216,330 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from taste and/or smell impairment as a result of an accident is between $34,800- $266,939 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from balance impairment as a result of an accident is between $11,416 – $170,770 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from neck injuries as a result of an accident is between $9,433 – $95,631 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from spine injuries below the neck as a result of an accident is between $59,869 – $166,837 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from back injuries as a result of an accident is between $22,245- $90,743 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from lower back injuries as a result of an accident is between $36,614 – $70,977 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for  suffering from whiplash as a result of an accident is between $18,610 – $92,973 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from shoulder and collarbone injuries as a result of an accident is between $34,745 – $65,931 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from rib injuries as a result of an accident is between $3,271 – $74,379 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from injuries within the thoracic and abdominal cavity as a result of an accident is between $31,016 – $196,144 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from injuries to the whole arm as a result of an accident is between $37,810 – $212,930 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from upper arm injuries as a result of an accident is between $7,415 – $98,072 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from elbow injuries as a result of an accident is between $22,686 – $126,325 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from forearm injuries as a result of an accident is between $24,900- $132,031 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from injuries to the wrist as a result of an accident is between $2,789 – $112,206 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for  suffering from hand injuries as a result of an accident is between $20,035 – $81,779 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from injuries to fingers and thumbs as a result of an accident is between $27,323 – $87,001 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from hip injuries as a result of an accident is between $35,080 – $134,856 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from pelvis injuries as a result of an accident is between $69,767 – $205,753 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from injuries to the whole leg as a result of an accident is between $99,679 – $232,622 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from thigh injuries as a result of an accident is between $59,869 – $156,915 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from knee injuries as a result of an accident is between $13,554 – $60,496 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates]. 

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from lower leg injuries as a result of an accident is between $35,080 – $255,849 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from ankle injuries as a result of an accident is between $46,296 – $148,299 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from foot injuries as a result of an accident is between $35,080 – $212,930 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from toe injuries as a result of an accident is between $7,973 – $36,403 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from psychological injuries as a result of an accident is between $52,803 – $339,111 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

Based on a sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from chronic pain syndrome (CPS) as a result of an accident is between $38,770 – $424,876 [adjusted for 2022 inflation rates].

2. Past lost wages

Past wage loss compensates you for the income you lost while you could not work because of your injury.
Were you working at the time of your accident?
Why weren't you working at the time of the accident?
Have you missed time from work or had to use vacation or sick days due to your injury?
Have you missed time from work to attend treatment appointments?

Past wage loss compensates you for the income you lost while you could not work because of your injury. When you receive pay from your employer by using your sick or vacation days, this is still considered past wage loss, as those days are unavailable to you for future unrelated sickness or leisure. The court will assess past wage loss by looking at your employment and taxation records.

Your own car insurance coverage, called Section B insurance, provides approximately $250 per week in lost wage support while you are off work due to an injury, but this is inadequate. Some people have separate short- and long-term disability insurance through their employer or union. Disability policies will provide more income than Section B, but these are also insufficient to provide 100% of your salary. Any remainder must be recouped from the wrongdoer who caused your injury.

3. Loss of future lost wages

Loss of future wages are awarded when you can prove it is likely you will lose wages in the future due to the accident injuries.
Are you still off work because of the accident?
Have you had to change employment because of your accident injuries?
Loss of future wages are usually awarded when someone is completely off work or had to change to a lower paying job, and when their loss can be calculated with mathematical precision.

4. Loss of earning capacity

Lost earning capacity compensates you if there is a real risk that your capacity to earn income in the future has been reduced.
Have your duties at work changed because of the accident injuries?
Is your treatment still continuing and interfering with your work schedule?
Are there jobs that you aspired to do but are possibly restricted from because of your accident injuries?
Do you have an increased use of sick time because of the accident injuries?
Is there reason to believe that you are more likely to have to retire earlier because of the accident injuries?
Are there jobs you could have done before that you are not capable of now?
Lost earning capacity compensates you for your inability to earn income in the future. If a carpenter loses their arm, they will have a reduced earning potential because they can’t work as quickly or efficiently. Future earning capacity must account for the possibility of promotions, wage increases, or skills and experience that will make you more marketable and thus eligible for a higher salary. This calculation also involves looking at the number of years you have left in the workforce. The courts will also consider the possibility that the symptoms will dissipate over time and apply a deduction if the evidence warrants this.

5. Loss of valuable services

Loss of valuable services compensates you for your reduced capacity to perform any valuable service for which you are not paid.
Are you unable or less able to do housework as a result of your accident injuries?
Are you unable or less able to do home repairs and maintenance?
Are you unable or less able to perform childcare?
Are you unable or less able to perform any other chores?
We are not paid for all of the work we do, but that does not mean it is without value. Compensation for housekeeping loss used to fall under general damages for loss of enjoyment. In the 1990's, the courts recognized the value of unpaid work, particularly work traditionally performed by women.

Housekeeping and home maintenance are services that most individuals perform for themselves on an unpaid basis. The court will compare the chores you could complete before the accident with those you can do after. You can be compensated under this head of damages even if you did not pay someone to help you complete housekeeping chores.

6. Cost of future care

Cost of future care compensates you for the future medical care you will require due to your injury.
Will you require future medical care, such as medication, physical therapy, or mobility aids?
The law recognizes that an injured person shouldn’t pay for adaptations, treatments, aids, assistive devices, or medications with their own money when the need for them was caused by a wrongdoer. The courts can award damages for these expenses, known as cost of future care.

7. Out of pocket expenses

You can seek compensation for any expenses you've paid out of pocket as a result of your injury.
Have you had to pay for any treatments, aids, assistive devices, or medications out of pocket?
Have you had to pay someone to help you with valuable services around the home or otherwise?


All information provided will be kept confidential. Our team will review your submission and provide a free claim evaluation. You will receive an email copy of your submission.

The information provided in this assessment is not legal advice and should not be used for negotiating purposes. This tool is for educational purposes only and to assist people in understanding some of the considerations that go into valuing a claim.

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