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Teeth – Injury Claim Worth.

Based on the following sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from injuries to your teeth as a result of an accident is between $1,532 – $84,619 [adjusted for 2023 inflation rates]. The general damage award amounts for each individual case below have not been adjusted for inflation. For your convenience, the Bank of Canada Inflation Calculator can be accessed here.

As described in our General Damages Guide, these awards are only for general damages which compensate you for your pain and suffering. There are other types of damages that you may be entitled to claim, such as lost income and medical care costs, depending on the circumstances of your case. To assess the total value of your injury claim, try our Injury Claim Calculator or book a free consultation.

The case law

Prinz v. Jensen, 2014 ABPC 157

  • The plaintiff fell through a rotted deck and suffered a fractured front tooth, ankle injury requiring an air cast boot, and bruising on her arms and legs. The ankle injury resolved within one year. There was an unsuccessful root canal attempt on the fractured tooth. The tooth was extracted and replaced with an implant. She received $19,000 in general damages.

Engqvist v. Doyle, 2011 BCSC 1585

  • The 70-year-old plaintiff was involved in two motor vehicle accidents only months apart. In the first accident, her head struck the steering wheel which caused the teeth in her lower jaw to be knocked loose. She suffered pain in her neck, back and shoulder after the accident. Her dentures were no longer secure in her mouth and she had teeth removed and replaced with implants. An abscess caused her problems for months afterwards. The second accident aggravated her neck and back pain, as well as stress level. Her general damages were assessed at $65,000 for the first accident and $5,000 for the second accident.

Kemp v. Zellers Inc., 2008 BCPC 267

  • The plaintiff was injured after he tripped and fell in an aisle at the defendant’s retail location. He hit his face on one of the shelving units which resulted in two broken and cracked teeth, a cut lip, headaches lasting one month, and soft tissue injuries to his neck, back, and shoulder. 5 years after the accident, the plaintiff had not undergone the recommended dental treatment, but his pain and suffering should have resolved within 6 months of the fall. He received $6,000 in general damages.

Landreau v. Tremblay, 2007 CanLII 67896 (ON SC)

  • The plaintiff was injured when he was seated in the box of a pickup truck which plunged into a ditch crossing a trail in a farmer’s field. He suffered a laceration to his right cheek, puncture below the lower lip caused by two of his upper teeth, dislocation of four of his upper teeth, fractures to a top and bottom molar, as well as injuries to his shins, finger, and big toe. He was left with facial scarring and a permanent loss of control over his drooling which caused him embarrassment. He required root canals and other extensive dental work. His speech was impacted, in addition to a permanent loss of sensation which caused difficulty eating. The injuries aggravated his pre-existing emotional difficulties such as anxiety, irritability, and mood disturbances. His facial disfigurement caused him to withdraw socially. He received $60,000 in general damages.

Fiessel v. Fiessel, 2006 BCSC 1113

  • The 3-year-old plaintiff was injured when the pick-up truck he was in collided with the rear of a parked car and his face struck an interior part of the truck as he was flung from his seat. The plaintiff suffered bruising and lacerations to his mouth and lip, loss of two infant teeth, one of which had to be surgically removed, and discolouration of his other teeth. This was an upsetting experience for the young plaintiff. He received $18,000 in general damages.

Elliott (Litigation Guardian of) v. Rousseau, 2005 CarswellOnt 10076 (Ont. S.C.J.)

  • The plaintiff suffered a broken tooth and cut lip, as well as a minor shoulder injury, after he walked into a moving bus. A root canal was required, however, the tooth later became discoloured and broke off. The plaintiff required a porcelain post and cap and had some residual scarring on his lip. The action was dismissed due to lack of liability, however the trial judge assessed general damages provisionally at $15,000.

Schoenke v. Overwaitea Foods Ltd., 2003 BCPC 465 & Hansen v Overwaitea Foods Ltd., 2003 BCPC 466

  • Both plaintiffs fractured molars after biting into rum balls covered in chocolate sprinkles that had been contaminated with wild rice while at the defendant’s establishment. The plaintiff Schoenke had a sharp surface on her molar which caused difficulty speaking and three days of discomfort. The plaintiff Hansen had discomfort lasting one month. Each plaintiff received $1,000 individually in general damages.

Wong v. Vancouver (City), 2001 BCSC 693

  • The plaintiff rode her bicycle into a shallow ditch on a street which was under repair. She was thrown over the handlebars and her head and face struck the pavement. She suffered two broken teeth, as well as lacerations and bruising to the area around her mouth and chin. She received $10,000 in general damages.

Hanna v. Olivieri (The First Ravioli Store), 1999 CanLII 1754 (BC SC)

  • The plaintiff bit into a sandwich made by the defendant which contained unpitted olives. She fractured her upper first incisor and required a dental implant. She suffered difficulty eating and her speech was affected. She received $8,000 in general damages.

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