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Toes – Injury Claim Worth.

Based on the following sampling of case law, the range for general damages awarded for suffering from toe injuries as a result of an accident is between $8,252 – $37,643 [adjusted for 2023 inflation rates]. The general damage award amounts for each individual case below have not been adjusted for inflation. For your convenience, the Bank of Canada Inflation Calculator can be accessed here.

As described in our General Damages Guide, these awards are only for general damages which compensate you for your pain and suffering. There are other types of damages that you may be entitled to claim, such as lost income and medical care costs, depending on the circumstances of your case. To assess the total value of your injury claim, try our Injury Claim Calculator or book a free consultation.

The case law

Hickey v. New Brunswick Housing Corp., 2014 NBCA 36

  • The 55-year-old plaintiff was injured when she tripped and fell down the stairs in front of her apartment building. She suffered a fractured big right toe, cuts and bruises to other toes on her right foot, scraped knees, scraped elbows, soft tissue injuries to her shoulder, and bruising of her breast. She had ongoing difficulties with her toe, arm, and shoulder. General damages were assessed at $15,000.

Sorrento v. Coffee Time Donuts Inc., 2004 CarswellOnt 9916

  • The plaintiff, a 31-year-old school lunchtime supervisor, was injured when a door malfunctioned and slammed onto her foot and fractured her big toe. She suffered excruciating pain, and her toe bled profusely. Her toenail was damaged and subsequently fell off. Because of the injury, she limped noticeably. Within six weeks of the accident, she began to experience pain in her lower back. Her physician opined that due to her altered gait and change in weight distribution while walking, she had developed a lumbar strain. She was awarded $25,000 in general damages.

Blanchard v. Bafaro Estate, 2003 NBQB 93

  • The plaintiff suffered fractures to both big toes when the defendant’s motor vehicle drove over his feet. The plaintiff was disabled for a period of two months. Although he suffered from pain in his legs and feet before the accident, the fractures caused him additional pain. There was no evidence of future disability related to the accident. He was awarded $6,000 in general damages.

Rason v. Westfair Foods Ltd., 2000 ABPC 197

  • The plaintiff fractured a toe when a trolley containing bananas fell on her foot as she was shopping in the defendant’s store. She was awarded $5,000 in general damages.

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