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How does car insurance work if I’ve been injured in an accident?

There is a standard automobile insurance policy that is mandatory for all drivers in Atlantic Canada and Ontario. This policy is divided into four sections which each provide a different type of coverage.

Atlantic Canada’s Section A, or Ontario’s Section 3, applies when you are injured by an at-fault driver. A Section A or Section 3 claim is made against the at-fault driver’s insurance to recover damages for your injuries.

Atlantic Canada’s Section B or Ontario’s Section 4 covers some medical and rehabilitation expenses, an amount designated for your lost wages, and a few other expenses. For Section B, the amounts can vary depending on your province of residence. These sections cover no-fault coverage, meaning they apply regardless of who was at fault for the accident. These coverages come from your own insurer, or that of the driver whose vehicle you were in as a passenger during the accident.

In Atlantic Canada, Section C covers the cost of damage to your vehicle caused by an accident. It is often included in the standard automobile insurance policy, but is not mandatory. Check your insurance policy to see if your property damage is covered. In Ontario, Section 6 covers the cost of damage to your vehicle after an accident. This coverage is mandatory in Ontario.

Atlantic Canada’s Section D or Ontario’s Section 5 provides coverage when you are injured by an uninsured or unidentified driver, such as a hit and run.

There are some optional coverages as well, such as SEF 44 or OPF 44 that provide additional coverage on top of the minimum coverages provided by the policy. This added coverage provides peace of mind and financial support if your damages are greater than the amount of insurance coverage carried by the at-fault driver.


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