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Personal Injury

Will insurance cover my medical marijuana after an accident?

In various forms, marijuana has become a widely accepted treatment for chronic illness and pain.

Medical marijuana insurance coverage

Since the legalization of cannabis in Canada, an increasing number of Canadians have benefited from prescriptions for medical marijuana. As the law surrounding cannabis changed, so too have the opinions regarding its use. The uses of the Cannabis sativa plant are widespread, ranging from management of chronic pain to anxiety. Further, cannabis comes in many forms, making it versatile for many uses. Cannabis for medical use can be administered through pills, liquids, oils, powders, and dried leaves.

It is important to seek a medical professional’s opinion when considering the use of marijuana for treatment purposes, especially following an accident. In fact, if you are seeking insurance coverage for medical marijuana, there are certain thresholds that must be met.

After a car accident, you can access no-fault benefits (Section B benefits in Atlantic Canada, SABS in Ontario) for medical coverage. If a medical professional finds that marijuana is medically necessary for the injuries arising from your accident, then the insurance company will be responsible for covering this cost. Note that like other types of treatment, if your personal health insurance policy covers medical marijuana, you will need to expend your coverage through that policy first before no-fault benefits come into effect.

While helping you with your injury case, our lawyers can help you connect with the appropriate channels for assessment of your suitability for a prescription through cannabis clinics. Our lawyers act as a resource for you in advocating for your rights and ensuring that you can access the medical care you need.

If you use medical marijuana, you should be aware of possession and personal storage limits, as well as the obligations surrounding sourcing from the appropriate sellers and producers.

Attitudes toward medical marijuana have changed in recent years. In various forms, marijuana has become a widely accepted treatment for chronic illness and pain. At MacGillivray Law, we can help you get access to marijuana-based treatments. Contact us today.

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