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AnnouncementsJan 7, 2021

Fighting back with experience: Chad Horton joins MacGillivray Law.

Chad now brings a unique perspective, as well as years of inside experience and institutional knowledge to the outstanding team at MacGillivray Law.

Prior to joining MacGillivray Injury and Insurance Law, Chad Horton spent more than 13 years working as a lawyer for big insurance companies. Until now, he has made a career out of defending insurance claims and seeking to deny benefits to people injured in accidents.

Time and time again, he found himself acting against the lawyers at MacGillivray Law.

Over the course of these encounters, he developed enormous respect for the team at MacGillivray Law. Their passion for their work, their commitment to their clients, and their willingness to fight for fair results resonated with him.

“Excellence has always been important to me. I know from experience that the team at MacGillivray Law is committed to being the best at what they do… they care about their work, they care about their clients, and they persevere. I wanted to be a part of that.”

Chad committed to making a change and joined MacGillivray Law in October of 2020.

Originally from Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Chad comes from a hard-working, blue-collar background. He financed his education, first by working in the oilfield as a Roustabout on offshore drilling rigs in Atlantic Canada (where he was also a member of the offshore firefighting team), and then as a Roughneck on land rigs in Western Canada. He went on to graduate from the University of New Brunswick’s Faculty of Law in 2007 and immediately went to work for Stewart McKelvey, Atlantic Canada’s largest private practice Defense Firm.

While he was still a new Associate, Chad was seconded to Intact Insurance for 6 months, where he helped manage the practice of a well-respected senior lawyer whose skills and attention had been required elsewhere. During that time, he managed a fully developed, senior insurance-defense practice and gained significant experience in this area of law. After gaining the benefit of an accelerated development, Chad returned to Stewart McKelvey, where he went on to work for more than 15 major insurance companies.

In 2013, Chad was invited to return to Intact Insurance to work for the corporation directly as in-house counsel. He pursued the opportunity and went on to defend hundreds of personal injury and insurance cases, representing Intact at all levels of Court.

Chad now brings a unique perspective, as well as years of inside experience and institutional knowledge to the outstanding team at MacGillivray Law.

In addition to his work, Chad is also a long-time strength & conditioning enthusiast and former Brazilian jiu-jitsu practitioner (Titan’s MMA), with a “strong body, strong mind” philosophy. In addition to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, he believes that consistently training to make himself “comfortable with being uncomfortable” helps him discipline his mind to more effectively deal with the adversarial nature of litigation.

“Our clients have experienced trauma. On top of that, they are faced with the stress and uncertainty of litigation. This is a team that is well-trained and well-equipped to carry that weight on their behalf. I feel privileged to be a part of it.”

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