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Are there any additional or optional benefits available under the SABS?

SABS additional benefits

There are numerous optional benefits available under the SABS. The SABS was originally designed to allow consumers to purchase additional benefits, outlined in Part VI of the SABS, such as:

  • Optional coverage increasing the income replacement benefit maximum to $600, $800 or $1,000 per week (s. 28(1)1).
  • Optional coverage for caregiving (s. 28(1)2(i)) and housekeeping (s. 28(1)2(ii)) benefits in non-catastrophic cases.
  • Optional benefit increasing medical and rehabilitation coverage to $130,000 in non-catastrophic cases (s.28(1)3).
  • Optional benefit increasing medical and rehabilitation coverage to $1,000,000 in non-catastrophic cases and $2,000,000 in catastrophic cases (s. 28(1)4).
  • Optional benefit increasing medical and rehabilitation coverage to $1,000,000 in catastrophic cases (s. 28(1)5).
  • Optional coverage increasing death benefits to $50,000 for the spouse and $25,000 for the dependants and $8,000 for a funeral benefit (s. 28(1)6).
  • Optional dependent care coverage (s. 28(1)7).
  • Optional indexation of future benefits coverage (s. 28(1)8).

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