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Personal InjuryNov 25, 2020

Virtual legal services: A new era.

Whether you send documents via email, text, or fax, your data will always be secure and protected.

Lawyer at MacGillivray Law

Given the risks associated with COVID-19 and the limitations on social gatherings, many people are not comfortable entering into an office space or allowing a stranger into their home for a meeting. And that’s okay. You shouldn’t have to jeopardize your sense of safety or that of your family’s in order to access the legal help and services that you need.

Can I still get legal help if I can’t travel to meet with my lawyer in person?

At MacGillivray Injury and Insurance Law, we have adapted our processes and technologies to ensure that clients and prospective clients have full access to all the services we provide remotely. With tools like Zoom, Skype, Facetime, texting, phone calls, and emails, we do our best to accommodate clients who cannot meet in person.

In today’s technologically advanced society, you can do things like meet with a lawyer, provide all of your evidence, and progress through your claim, all from the comfort of your home while also ensuring your data remains protected and private.

How do I know my documents and personal information are safe?

We use specialized legal case management software that encompasses robust password security, data traffic encryption to keep your data safe while in transit and at rest, server-side verification, secure databases, and secure document storage to ensure that your data is always protected every step of the way. Whether you send documents via email, text, or fax, your data will always be secure and protected.

Regardless of where you live, your access to transportation, or your comfort level in leaving the house, you can have your claim handled remotely with as much care and attention as if you were in our office with your lawyer.

Getting legal help from the comfort of your home

So, if COVID-19 or distance has placed a perceived barrier to you obtaining the legal services you require, consider those barriers removed. We can help you get access to the compensation and medical resources you require, all from the comfort of your home. Contact our team to set up a free consultation.

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If you would like to learn your legal options at no obligation, contact us today to set up a free consultation.

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