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CommunityMay 6, 2019

MacGillivray Law celebrates “Art at Night 2019”.

In its essence, New Glasgow's Art at Night is a celebration of what makes us human.

Art at Night 2019

Cheers to another successful year of celebrating arts, music, and culture in the Town of New Glasgow! MacGillivray Law participated once again in the annual New Glasgow Art at Night festivities, opening our doors to 30+ artists to showcase their works. We are proud supporters of this free, public event for all ages, organized by local volunteers.

About Art at Night

“New Glasgow’s Art at Night seeks to promote New Glasgow’s rich and ever-growing arts community. Our art not only inspires our local culture but also takes inspiration from it and it is through this circular process that we further define ourselves through our art. In its essence, New Glasgow’s Art at Night is a celebration of what makes us human. We all have a burgeoning inner artist attempting to break free from the confines of everyday existence and Art at Night seeks to celebrate that side of all of us.” –

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