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AnnouncementsNov 16, 2021

MacGillivray Law wins Globe and Mail “Best Law Firms in Canada 2022” award.

Of the approximately 30,000 law firms in Canada only 200 were chosen for this award including three in Atlantic Canada.

The Globe and Mail gives MacGillivray Law a Best Law Firms award

The Globe and Mail is Canada’s leading national newspaper. The paper surveyed more than 20,000 lawyers across Canada to chose which firms to recognize with this award. The lawyers were asked which law firm they would recommend to a client of theirs.

Of the approximately 30,000 law firms in Canada only 200 were chosen for this award including three in Atlantic Canada. The winners were chosen based on the frequency with which other lawyers recommended the firms. MacGillivray Law with offices in NS, NB, and NL was one of the firms selected.

Founder Jamie MacGillivray says, “The lawyers surveyed include those who represent the insurance companies we are fighting against every day. It is good to know we are regarded highly by both our adversaries and colleagues. Still, we need to be passionate about always improving on what we do. The people and families we represent are going through a major trauma, often adjusting to catastrophic injuries. We cannot rest on our laurels. Our clients only have the one chance to get fair treatment and respect and that’s on us.”

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