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Leisa MacIntosh


Leisa has been working with people caught in legal disputes since 2001, but coming from a family of legal professionals, some might say she was born into the legal tradition. An advocate by nature, Leisa uses her passion for the law to help people in need. She says: ‘I know that the legal system and the insurance industry can feel immensely overwhelming to people, particularly when they have other worries going on in their lives related to their health, employment or families. My goal is to relieve that pressure. Most importantly, I know that reaching resolution quickly can allow people to move forward with their lives.’

Leisa has depth to her legal skills, having both significant courtroom experience and special insight into negotiations through her training and experience as a mediator. Leisa attended undergraduate studies at the University of King’s College in Halifax and Sorbonne University in Paris. She obtained her law degree from UNB, including a semester at the University of Queensland Law School in Brisbane, Australia. She obtained her Qualified Mediator designation through the ADR Institute of Canada and also has advanced training in interdisciplinary collaborative law.

In her free time, you are likely to find Leisa downhill skiing, at a soccer complex with her husband and three children, or working on community projects.


  • University of New Brunswick
    Fredericton, NB – LL.B.
  • University of Kings College
    Halifax, NS – B.A.


  • Atlantic Provinces Trial Lawyers Association
  • Ontario Trial Lawyers Association
  • Atlantic and Canadian ADR Institute

Bar Admissions

  • Nova Scotia, 2001
Personnel associé
Parajuriste — Litige
New Glasgow